Years ago the LoMM world was full of clans. These LoMM clans would organize and arrange battles with each other throughout the years until all the clans went inactive due to lack of game activity.
Here is a list of most of the clans from LoMM's history across the years spanning both demo and retail era's.
o=|==> - Knights
[?] - The Riddle Box
}420{ - Clan 420
{A} - Alliance
[A^C] - Apathy Crusaders
= AD =
(*AvA*) -Avatar Angels
BH - Blackhail
{BM} - Black Mages
BoC - Brotherhood of Chaos
Br - Brotherhood
{B*T} - Booomb Troopers
[Ch] - Clan Hispano
CK - Cyber Killers
<CotW> - Council of the Wind
(Cow$Ru$) - Cows R Us
{CU} - Clans United
DA - Dark Alliance
{DbD} - Dead before Dawn
DD - Death Dealers
{DK} - Demon Knights
{DF} - Death Fist
Divine. - Divine
DoE - Dragons of Enroth
Dream - Dream Team
{DS} - Dark Souls
(->DW<-) - Darkwood Warriors
.:E:. - Elements
-=EA=- - Evil Angels
{EDK} - Elite Death Knights
Elite. - Elite
ES - Elite Snipers
EV - Evolution
EX* - Experts
(-(FoC)-) - Forces of Chaos
*FotR* - Fellowship of the Ring
{G} - The Government
-{GM}- - Graveyard Murderers
{HaH} - Legion of {HaH}
HoP - Heroes of Panancia
Horde - Horde
HR - Hell's Rebellion/Hell Raisers?
Illuminati - Illuminati
[K]- The Kin
KAF - Killers Avoiding Fatality
KoG - Knights of Genesis
{L} - Lemmings
[LOD] - Lords-O-Death
{LoT} - Legends of Twilight
LotR - Lord of the Rings
(LOW) - Lord of the Winds
[magi] - magi
Miracle/ - Miracle
{MoK} - Ministry of Kings
NW - Night Walkers
OC - Organised Chaos
PB - Phoenix Rebellion
-|RA|- - Rising Ascension
(RD) -Radical Destroyers
{*rEd*} - Red
RLA - Russian League
[RoV] - Ring of Virulence
-(>S<)- - The Specialists
SA - Silent Assassins
SAO - Sadistic Arms of Oblivion
sds - Soul destroying society
[SF] - Soul Fire
SK - Soul Killers
(slp) - Seven Last Plagues
SoD - Soldiers of Death
{SOT} - Sword of Truth
SS - Shadow Stalkers
{STK}/{S2K} - Shoot to Kill
=SV= - Sniper Vision
tb - the bouncers
TB - Trick Baggers
TDS - The Dark Side
(TDF) - The Dragon Fighters
TDW - The Dark Warriors
{tec} - The Eternal Chaos
>>==TFA==> - The Flying Arrows
TFC - The Fat Campers
={TN}= - Total Nutters
[TNT] - The Nasty Terminators
ToF- - Twist of Fate
(TooL) - Tool
tWt - The White Tower
VoD - Vampires of Darkness
WIA - Warriors In Action
WoC - Warriors of Chaos
{WOD} - Weapons of Destruction
{YLL} - Young Light Lords